The day I went to Crater lake

Today started like any other day HIE then packing up the room and driving. Today I started another friendship bracelet and listened to podcasts (check out my podcast Ellie Elevates your national parks). At one point we saw a sign for a national bridges. so we pulled over and looked there were many overlooks. The nataral bridge was if I understand correctly a part of the river were water ran through a rock and then came out on the other side pretty cool. Right? Then we finished the drive to Crader Lake National Park. Then we went to the visitor center and I got the Jr ranger packet. We also got some hike suggest. We did a short 2 mile hike along the lake then hung out in the great lounge. We had brats for dinner then went back to hotel to write blog posts. RIDDLE TIME no one got yesterday’s riddle right and the correct answer is a stick.

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