The day I backpacked

Today started with Kerouc’s breakfeast. Which for me was a berry muffin. Today we planned on backpacking up a mountain, but because of all the snow we were not able to do that hike. So we went to the ranger station and asked for suggestions of what to do today. The ranger was very nice and helpful she gave us a ton of great suggestions. We decided to do the hike that we did two years ago. We started by going down a lot like a lot a lot. We went through two different campground and down a four-wheel drive road. We also saw petrograph cave we were not allowed to go in it but we were able to see you some of the signings. Then we made it to our Trail we had to go up about 3,000 feet so it was very steep and this was all over just 6 miles. It was very steep and hard I do not know what happened but three out of our four bladders broke today. My sisters’s started leaking before we even started trail. My dad started leaking about a 1/4 of a mile into the trail. My mom started leaking about 4 miles into the trail. I am the only one who has my original bladder . We unfortunately had to have PBJ and C for lunch again. There were some parts of the day that were especially hard one of them was towards the beginning of our real Trail it was a very steep up and for part of it we had to cross the river. The really hard part though was actually towards the end. It started off by walking through a river and then it eventually turn in walking through about 20 ft snow. Although it was very hard we found our way to have fun. Sledding!! We went down a really steep hill on our butts the first time I went down I didn’t go very fast because we didn’t have a trail then but by my second go it was like rapid fire. I was zooming down that hill. The next thing I knew my mom was on the ground going down at too. I don’t think she knew what to expect 🍉(random watermelon) when she decided to go down but because having fun though she just went for it. After sledding we are found our way to our campsite well it wasn’t really campsite. It’s actually just a meadow. This is where anyone that wants to camp along this trail can sleep. Unfortunately there was already someone set up here so we weren’t able to get our ideal spot, but we found a very nice one close by. Then we went and had some snacks and rested on some rocks nearby. After awhile we set up our tents. We settled in and have been laughing our hearts out for the past 2 hours my dad isn’t feeling well so he’s resting in in his tent we will soon have beef jerky for dinner and then tomorrow will hit the road again for the climb down.

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