My Wrist

With only 15 days day until the trip and the packing table up, things are getting real. This weekend my sister and dad are going on a backpacking trip, why not me? Well, I broke my wrist. Yep! Full on buckle.

This incident occurred on Mother’s Day night, my mom and dad on the couch watching the news and Ellie and I riding our scooters around a 4 block range. Now, we basically do this every night, so when I tripped I thought I just got a little scrape. When I used my right hand to push myself up it snapped a little and it REALLY hurt. When I ran inside to tell my mom, SHE DIDN’T BELIEVE ME! She told me to get in the shower, so I did just that. In the shower I realized it still hurt a little bit so I had my mom wrap it in an ace bandage.  The problem though was that she cut off my circulation. Nobody realized until I said “Mom, my hand is really swollen.” She screamed in shock. I was SOBBING throughout the whole night. She kept sarcastically saying, “Fine, let’s go to the hospital.” We didn’t.

The next day in school I learned it is a little hard to write with a broken wrist. So because I had been complaining for a little under 24 hours we finally went to the ER. My mom wasn’t in the best mood because she still didn’t believe me and there was a lot of people.

After we waited for about 20 minutes we got called. Right away I went for X-rays and sure enough IT WAS BROKEN. You might be laughing but I was sobbing trying to one-handedly text my friend. The next day we went to the orthopedic and I got a purple plum cast. ARGH! IT IS AWFUL! No  gym, no field day, no writing. 🙁 I get my cast off June 9th at 11:30 a.m. 17 HOURS BEFORE WE LEAVE. Then I have to wear a brace for two weeks. 14 days to go!

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