March 7, 2007

Goodness, time has certainly flown by!

Zoe is just as sweet as ever and is turning into the remarkable person. She laughs and giggles all day, simply enjoying her fun life. She has a gigantic personality including some goofy quirks and odd habits. Examples: (1) We have a gate at the top of the stirs leading to our family room to prevent any major or minor head injuries. It’s pretty much always closed when Zoe’s around and if it’s left open she is the first to notice. Yesterday, I ran downstairs to grab paper towels from The Triple S (Sam’s Storage Space) while Zoe was in Zak’s arms. She started to squirm and insisted on being put down. She ran to the gate and pointed, as if saying, “Close that or I might fall and get hurt.” (2) She has a banana (“nana” as Zoe says) each morning with breakfast. I always place the two banana halves on her plate. That is not where they belong according to Zoe. She is very unsettled with them being anywhere other than on the table next to her placemat. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell her that it’s ok for food to be on her plate or how many times I put it back on her plate, that is not where bananas belong. On the table next to the placemat is the only acceptable place for bananas. Why, Zoe, why?

We’ve known for so long now that Zoe has a sense of humor and each day she proudly shows it off. Examples: (1) She has learned that it is absolutely hilarious so poke the bum of someone who is squatting or sitting on the ground. I’ll be struggling to reach that lemon the rolled to the back of the fridge or that sock that somehow made to the back of the crib during Zoe’s nap, when suddenly I feel a hand pat any exposed skin and hear an explosion of giggling. I turn around to see Zoe with a hand over her face and those giggles sneaking out of a huge smile. I guess I need to wear a belt more often. Or get a plumber’s license. (2) Yesterday, I was sitting with her in a chair that has wooden arms. She bumped her head while squirming about and placed a hand upon her head. I asked her if she was ok and she wildly nodded yes. Then she ever so slowing moved her chin toward the arm of the chair and lightly bumped it. She instantly looked up and held her head again (she had bumped her chin). I started laughing and that was just the start to a fun-filled twenty minutes of Zoe intentionally, but lightly, bumping her chin on the chair and then holding the top of her head, laughing hysterically the whole time!

Goodness, I love this child!

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