#1, #2, Yellow, Orange

We’ve decided that in some situations it’s a lot easier to call Zoe, “Number One” and Ellie, “Number Two.”  It’s just more practical sometimes.

Me: 1 needs a new diaper.

Zak: 2 just got one, but is hungry.

Me: 2’s laundry is dry, could you bring it upstairs?

Zak:  1 is ready for a snack and needs to clean up the markers.

We were jokingly explaining this to Zoe and asked if she wanted to call us anything to make her life easier.  She said, “Dad. Orange.  Mom. Yellow.”

So, there you have it.  Zoe is number 1, Ellie is number 2.  Zak is Orange and I’m Yellow.  Life is much more simple now.

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