May 23, 2006

At six months and one day old, Zoe continues to change day after day. Now that she can sit up, her entire perspective of her world has changed.

A routine shopping trip is a brand new adventure for Zoe. Being allowed to sit in the cart in an upright position has shown Zoe a rainbow of new colors of boxes and an array of potential objects to put in her mouth. Each item that we place in the cart, Zoe reaches for with her mouth open, ready to eat. As we walk down the cereal aisle, she is in awe of the bright boxes, hoping that each one will land in our cart. Last week we let her hold on to a Wheat Thin box as we shopped, and it was by far the best toy she has ever had!

In addition to the shopping cart, she can now sit in a high chair. We went to dinner to celebrate my grandparents’ birthdays last week, and there were about four minutes when everyone was eating and no one would hold her. We placed her in the high chair and she was just as content as could be. When Uncle Mike finished his soup he swooped her right up, and that was the end of the high chair that night.

Now that she can sit up, we decided to take her to the park and swing. Zoe loves it! She sits in the baby swing and smiles gleefully as we gently push her back and forth. She laughs and giggles the entire ride, never ready to stop. She also seems to enjoy the slides. I think we are going to have a fun summer at the park.

As rapidly as she is changing, we are enjoying every moment of each day. She now has a perspective in life, seeing the life from a little higher up.

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