February 18, 2006

Well, it is official. I will no longer be an employee of Jefferson School . There are three weeks left on my current contract and after that I will no longer have a paying job. I resigned yesterday and feel so good about the decision. My principal was absolutely wonderfully, so supportive and kind. Mom’s last piece of advice regarding the issue was not to cry. And I didn’t. I totally held it together. That is, until I had to explain it to my students. I started by telling them they deserve a better teacher than I can be now, and then the tears started. Thankfully, the kids were kind and sweet about it. They asked if I would come back and visit. I do hope they will kind of miss me. I then went around the building and told my friends, the people I wanted to hear it from me, not from the lunchroom gossip. All were supportive. It is a very odd feeling to not be a professional. I guess when people ask me what I do I’ll say, “I’m a teacher, but I’m taking time off to be with my daughter. Have you seen her, because she is the most beautiful creature ever? She likes to smile, loves when we sing, really enjoys the book “Fluffy Chick and Friends,” and tries so hard everyday to roll over, but she can’t quite do it yet. And she is silly, and fun, and pretty much just down-right awesome.” That is what I will say.

After resigning, Zoe and I went to get her a Social Security number. We had tried once before, but I didn’t have the right paper work and it was really frustrating. They want to see a hospital record, in addition to the birth certificate (which we have.) A hospital record? What the heck is that? And what ever it is, we don’t have it. I had called the Social Security hotline and asked them, but they didn’t really know. She just repeated, over and over, “You need a hospital record.” I explained that I don’t have that, but I have dental insurance cards, insurance records, doctor bills, savings bonds, doctor notes, but all she would says is “That might work.” Anyway, Zoe and I had to wait for an hour and a half before our number was called. I handed over the application, birth certificate, and thirteen other documents. Her response was, “You only need one.” Ugg. Too much stress for nothing. Anyway Miss Zoe will get her number in four weeks.
It is super cold today, so we are all just spending the day cozy inside. Zoe is wearing a darling pink sweat suit that is very warm and cuddly. She is napping like an angel now

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